Toward the “New Normal”: better information management for more effective decision making
As long, strict lockdowns are being lifted but slow, gradual reopening processes aren’t 100 percent complete yet, many countries are about to enter the “Post-Covid” era –and look forward to a “New Normal”.
As long, strict lockdowns are being lifted but slow, gradual reopening processes aren’t 100 percent complete yet, many countries are about to enter the “Post-Covid” era –and look forward to a “New Normal”. In previous months, the public’s attention was highly– and rightly so – focused on saving as many lives as possible and preventing healthcare systems from collapsing. Now it’s time to make room for reflection, a useful exercise in view of a likely “rebound” of productive activities.
So, which lessons can we learn from the ways this pandemic was managed? From the standpoint of what we’ve always been doing at Parallaksis, one stands out: the importance of counting on consistent, accurate information to be shared in real-time among all the players in a process. Even including all those pieces of information that, for various reasons, aren’t part of already structured flows, yet are vital to orient decisions: that’s what we at Parallaksis call “managing the un-managed”.
The emergency proved how much the un-managed counts
It’s an approach that cannot be taken for granted, as many cases proved during the emergency. One above all: the test and result management. This is essential data to understand what the real extension of an epidemic is, and therefore adopt the most appropriate strategies to fight it. However, even the prestigious CDC in Atlanta, the US’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention popularized by the movie Contagion, made the blatant mistake to mix up viremia tests and antibody tests. This resulted in imprecise metrics provided to individual States, that often based their reopening strategy on them.
In Europe, too, we witnessed a substantial lack of communication among EU member states and, often, even among regions within the same country. Data gathering and sharing were often built on the individuals’ goodwill rather than on structured processes. The data gathered were in turn magnified by the media, showing either peaks that caused excruciating concern, or underestimated figures feeding false hopes.
The information lifecycle point of view
An epidemic, and even more so a pandemic, are by nature subject to a lifecycle whose related information evolves consistently with the phenomena: thus, this emergency turned out to be a metaphor, albeit a sad one, for the Information Lifecycle Management process. Luckily enough, the decisions entrepreneurs and managers have to deal with are usually less dramatic than those concerning public health. Yet they remain extremely important for the community, if we consider their societal consequences. These consequences are even more relevant now that the productive system has to face the challenges of a restart after a prolonged halt.
In the “new normal” we’re going toward it will be even more important that entrepreneurial, organizational and productive decisions are made based on reliable, up-to-date information shared among all the decision makers. The need to manage information with a lifecycle approach will bring even more pressure and will make the difference between a company that makes it, and another that doesn’t, in overcoming an inevitable recession.
Parallaksis was born and has developed exactly with this objective, to offer companies in strategic industries a new approach to the Information Lifecycle Management, thanks to a collaborative platform with unique features, Collaboration Desktop ILM Framework, enabling you to integrate and share all of your information, including the “un-managed”. Today, we’re here for you more than ever. We’re here to support organizations dealing with the complex phases ahead, with a range of solutions meeting their real needs. In one structured, integrated environment able to manage different applications and representing a next generation tool for any application scenario – either involving data, business processes or information relations. A smart, intuitive tool to manage business information, completely autonomous and configurable. A tool ready for the challenges of “New Normal”.
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